VidTrans22 Annual Conference & Exposition
June 14-16, 2022
Marina del Rey, California

| Overview | Program | COVID-Policy | Rates & Registration | Exhibitor Info | Sponsorships |

Preliminary Program

(as of 6/10/2022) | Printable Version

Monday, June 13, 2022


Pre-Conference Tutorial: Two Amazing Years of Progress in IP Video (Catalina Room)
Wes Simpson - Telecom Product Consulting
NOTE: Extra registration fee required - Get more information

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

7:30AM Continental Breakfast – Bayview Room Foyer

8:30AM Session 1 Begins – Bayview Room (Richard Friedel & Brad Gilmer - Welcome)

  1. NMOS – What is it and why should I care? | Synopsis
    Jed Deame - Nextera Video

  2. The Incredible Shrinking Processor | Synopsis
    Renaud Lavoie - Riedel

  3. JPEG XS in RTP Details - TR's, ST's, RFC's & ISO/IEC's | Synopsis
    Thomas Edwards - AWS

    10:00AM Break, 45 Minutes in Exhibit Hall (California Ballroom)

    Exhibits Open 10:00AM - 7:00PM

  4. SDN Orchestration across Single Converged Network for Uncompressed and Compressed Media Flows | Synopsis
    Thomas Gunkel – Skyline Communications

  5. Discussion of IPMX, JPEG-XS and RIST Demonstrations in Exhibit Hall
    Jack Douglass-PacketStorm, John Dale-Media Links & Ciro Noronha Ph.D. –Cobalt Digital

11:45AM Get-Together Luncheon in Exhibit Hall

1:15PM Session 2 Begins – Bayview Room

  1. Panel Discussion: Building IP systems
    Moderator: Brad Gilmer – Gilmer & Associates
    Participants: John Mailhot – Imagine Communications, Mike Bany – Fox, Karl Paulsen - Diversified, Andy Rayner - Nevion
    There are now a wide variety of devices that work in the SMPTE ST 2110/NMOS ecosystem. Much of professional audio is now done over IP connections. We are now in a period where people are actively building IP Systems out of these devices. Additionally, the pandemic spurred development of cloud-based media solutions. This panel will talk about current experience building IP Systems, lessons learned, and talk about where things are headed.

    2:15PM Break, 45 Minutes in Exhibit Hall

  2. RIST Relay Overview | Synopsis
    Ciro Noronha Ph.D. – Cobalt Digital

  3. Managing Mono Audio in an ST 2110 / NMOS Environment | Synopsis
    John Mailhot – Imagine Communications

  4. Best Practices in Securing Critical Timing for Media Broadcast Timing Services against Cyber Threats | Synopsis
    Luis Gonzalez – ADVA

    4:45PM Session Adjourn

    Opening Night Reception – Exhibit Hall 5:30-7:00PM

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

7:30AM Continental Breakfast – Bayview Room Foyer

8:15AM Session 3 Begins – Bayview Room

  1. 5G for Onboard Racing Car Video | Synopsis
    Kieran Kunhya – Open Broadcast Systems

  2. Network Considerations for the Future of AV over IP | Synopsis
    Greg Schlechter – Intel

  3. Cloud Production, Transport and Monitoring via libRIST plus WebRTC | Synopsis
    Sergio Ammirata Ph.D. – SipRadius

    10:00AM Break, 45 Minutes in Exhibit Hall

    Exhibits Open 10:00AM – 6:00PM

  4. Towards Zero Trust in Broadcast Production | Synopsis
    John Robert Naylor – Ross Video

  5. Use of 5G for live IP production | Synopsis
    Andy Rayner – Nevion

11:45AM Get-Together Luncheon in Exhibit Hall

1:15PM Session 4 Begins – Bayview Room

  1. Panel Discussion: Cloud for IP Production – User Requirements and the Journey Ahead
    Moderator: Andy Rayner – Nevion
    Participants: Boris Kaufmann – AWS, Rob Wadge – BBC, Matt Donovan – Riot, John Mailhot – Imagine Communications

    2:15PM Break, 45 Minutes in Exhibit Hall

  2. CMAF for Live Media Ingest – Moving the Headend Beyond MPEG-2 TS | Synopsis
    Khaled Jerbi – Ateme

  3. Enhancing SRT with RIST Protocol | Synopsis
    Adi Rozenberg – AlvaLinks

  4. Workflow as a Service delivered by the Dynamic Media Services Architecture | Synopsis
    Brad Gilmer – Gilmer & Associates, Inc.

    4:30PM Session Adjourn

    Reception – Exhibit Hall 4:30-6:00PM

Thursday, June 16, 2022

8:00AM Continental Breakfast – Bayview Room Foyer

9:00AM Session 5 Begins - Bayview Room

  1. Panel Discussion: RIST Roundup: Evolving Technologies and Expanding Applications
    Moderator: Wes Simpson - Telecom Product Consulting
    Participants: Sergio Ammirata Ph.D. – SipRadius, Ciro Noronha Ph.D. - Cobalt Digital, Adi Rozenberg – AlvaLinks, Rick Ackermans - CBS
    This panel discussion will focus on recent technical developments and innovative market applications RIST (Reliable Internet Stream Transport). End users and technology suppliers will be on hand to discuss how the technology has been evolving to add important new features and the many new applications that are now possible with RIST.

  2. The Importance of Interoperability in Broadcast Workflows
    Chris Clarke – Cerberus Tech

  3. ST2110 over WAN – Activity Group update
    Andy Rayner – Nevion

    Break - Take when needed

  4. Ground-Cloud-Cloud-Ground (GCCG) AG Update
    John Mailhot - Imagine Communications

  5. JPEG-XS Activity Group Update
    John Dale – Media Links

  6. Internet Protocol Media Experience (IPMX)
    Jack Douglass – PacketStorm

    11:30AM Meeting Adjourn

Note: IPMX, JPEG-XS & RIST Demonstrations between Multiple Vendors in the Exhibit Hall.

  • Register for VidTrans2025
  • Link to Visit the VSF Channel on YouTube - over 180 videos, with more each week!
  • Link to IP Showcase website
  • Link to IP Showcase Theatre presentations, curated by VSF
  • Link to JT-NM
  • Link to GDPR Policy