VidTrans22 Annual Conference & Exposition
June 14-16, 2022
Marina del Rey, California

| Overview | Program | COVID-Policy | Rates & Registration | Exhibitor Info | Sponsorships |


One of our foremost objectives at VidTrans will be to protect the health and safety of all attendees. To do this, we will follow the guidelines set forth by the CDC and local governments at the time of the event.

During your attendance at VidTrans 2022, you will be required to follow our COVID-19 policies and procedures. These policies and procedures may be modified at any time in advance of or during VidTrans 2022.

- VSF requires that all attendees, exhibitors and VSF staff be fully vaccinated.

- If you develop any COVID-19 symptoms while attending VidTrans 2022, we require that you remove yourself from contact with anyone at the event and not return until you can provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test.

By registering for VidTrans 2022, I am stating that I have read, understand, and agree to comply with the above policy. I accept the risk of being exposed to, contracting, and/or spreading COVID-19, and hereby declare that I choose to accept the risk of contracting COVID-19 and I agree that I am personally responsible for my safety and actions while attending VidTrans 2022. I further agree not to sue the VSF board members or VSF staff, and release them from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of actions related to COVID-19 while participating in any activity related to VidTrans 2022.

  • Register for VidTrans2025
  • Link to Visit the VSF Channel on YouTube - over 180 videos, with more each week!
  • Link to IP Showcase website
  • Link to IP Showcase Theatre presentations, curated by VSF
  • Link to JT-NM
  • Link to GDPR Policy