Ground-Cloud-Cloud-Ground (GCCG)

This activity group will collect and organize user requirements and work towards establishing a common technical approach such that multi-vendor interoperation is possible. This group will operate under the IPR guidelines of the Video Services Forum. The specific tasks of this group are detailed in the Activity Group Authorization Form.

GCCG Activity Group Authorization Form - April 20, 2020

The project formally started on June 11, 2020.

If you are interested in participating in this working group, please contact and she will add you to the GCCG reflector. You must be a VSF member to participate.

  • Register for VidTrans2025
  • Link to Visit the VSF Channel on YouTube - over 180 videos, with more each week!
  • Link to IP Showcase website
  • Link to IP Showcase Theatre presentations, curated by VSF
  • Link to JT-NM
  • Link to GDPR Policy