VidTrans20 Annual Conference & Exposition
February 25 - 27, 2020
Los Angeles, California

| Overview | Program | Rates & Registration | Exhibitor Info | Sponsorships |


All Sponsorship items shown below include the following benefits:

  1. Company Logo and name will be displayed on conference website with link to URL selected by sponsor.
  2. Company Logo will be displayed on printed program provided to paid conference attendees.
  3. Company Logo will be shown on video scroll shown during all conference session breaks.
  4. Placard acknowledging sponsor will be supplied by VSF and displayed during prominently during sponsored event.
  5. Sponsors will be offered a 1-2 minute speaking opportunity during most sponsored events.

Reception & Exhibition Preview
Kick-off event Tuesday evening allowing conference attendees the opportunity to relax in a networking environment while spending time reviewing exhibits.

1 available or
2 available

$1,000 ea.

Conference Luncheons
Daily luncheons are open to all attendees and held in Exhibit Hall.

1 per day (T, W)

$1,500 ea.

Continental Breakfasts
Start the day off right, with attendees viewing your logo over breakfast.

1 per day (T, W)

$1,000 ea.

Refreshment Breaks
Refreshment breaks provide a morning and afternoon gathering place for conference attendees.

2 per day (T, W)

$500 ea.

Wednesday Reception
Attendees will enjoy refreshments in Exhibition Hall Wednesday following the conference sessions.

1 available


Lanyards with one color logo

1 available


To secure your sponsorship please contact:

Bob Ruhl - VSF Operations Manager

  • Register for VidTrans2025
  • Link to Visit the VSF Channel on YouTube - over 180 videos, with more each week!
  • Link to IP Showcase website
  • Link to IP Showcase Theatre presentations, curated by VSF
  • Link to JT-NM
  • Link to GDPR Policy