Press Release

VSF Announces New Technical Recommendation for "Transport of JPEG 2000 Broadcast Profile video in MPEG-2 TS over IP"

- Improves Interoperability for JPEG 2000 Systems -

Atlanta, GA, April 29, 2013 - The Video Services Forum [VSF] announced today the availability of a Technical Recommendation VSF_TR-01_2013-04-15 entitled "Transport of JPEG 2000 Broadcast Profile video in MPEG-2 TS over IP".

The Technical Recommendation, which uses existing standards to define interoperable profiles for real time streaming of a broadcast quality JPEG 2000 codestream wrapped in MPEG2TS, with audio and ancillary data and encapsulated in IP with FEC, is available to VSF members and non-members in PDF format at no charge here:

This document has been developed to facilitate interoperability between equipment produced by different manufacturers, and defines specific profiles that can help ensure that signals generated by one device can be correctly received by another. The VSF J2K Activity Group, which authored TR-01, plans to hold Interoperability test events throughout 2013 and 2014 in conjunction with the VSF Interoperability Activity Group. If you would like to participate in the Interop sessions please contact Bob Ruhl, VSF Operations Manager (

Future work in the J2K Activity Group will consider bidirectional, interactive applications that require specific optimizations for low system latency, as well as real-time transport of high end film and television production video formats. Another future activity will be to define interoperable profiles for real time streaming of JPEG2000 video wrapped in MXF with audio and ancillary data, and encapsulated in IP.

The J2K Technical Recommendation Group is liaising with DVB & EBU in order to create recommendations that are aligned with ongoing work on J2K over MPEG2TS within these groups.

"This Technical Recommendation is the result of standards-based work by active members of the Video Services Forum, and reflects our organization's ongoing commitment to openness and innovation for all types of video transport," said VSF President Richard Friedel, EVP & GM, Fox Network Engineering & Operations.

If you would like to participate in the J2K Technical Recommendation Group or the VSF please contact Bob Ruhl (

About The Video Services Forum

Founded in 1997, the Video Services Forum (VSF) is an international association composed of service providers, users and manufacturers dedicated to interoperability, quality metrics and education for video networking technologies. The organization's activities include providing forums to identify issues involving the development, engineering, installation, testing and maintenance of video networking technologies; exchanging non-proprietary information to promote the development of video networking technology and to foster the resolution of issues common to the video services industry; promoting interoperability by contributing to and supporting development of standards by national and international standards bodies. Visit VSF online at


Bob Ruhl, Operations Manager

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