Press Release

SMPTE and VSF Announce New Standards for High Bit Rate IP Video Transport

Collaboration provides boost to IP video networks

White Plains, NY, 10 December 2012 - The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE), the worldwide leader in motion-imaging standards and education for the communications, media, entertainment and technology industries, and the Video Services Forum (VSF), an international association dedicated to interoperability, quality metrics and education for video networking technologies, today announced the latest two standards in a series that creates a standardized framework for the transport of video over Internet Protocol (IP) networks.

The documents, including the latest additions known officially as SMPTE ST 2022-5:2012 Forward Error Correction for High Bit Rate Media Transport Over IP Networks and SMPTE ST 2022-6:2012 Transport of High Bit Rate Media Signals over IP Networks (HBRMT) are now available via the SMPTE digital library.

Originally created to support the transport of IT-related data and email traffic, IP networking technologies now support mission-critical, high-quality, real-time video services - and are being widely adopted by broadcast and media enterprises globally. In addition to offering the ability to share video assets quickly and efficiently, drive more cross-enterprise collaboration and potentially reduce operating and capital expenses, IP networking is bi-directional and lends itself to multi-point transmission which is needed to monetize content and advertising in new ways across multiple screens, such as computers, smart phones and tablets.

"IP Networks are growing in speed and capability, and so are video signals," said Hans Hoffmann, SMPTE engineering vice president. "These new standards provide a framework for interoperability that will allow video producers, broadcasters and distributors to transport HD and other uncompressed video signals using equipment from a wide variety of suppliers."

"These new standards are the result of several years of work by the VSF, and reflect our organization's ongoing commitment to open standards and innovation for all types of video transport," said VSF president Richard Friedel.

Collaborative Process Accelerates Standards Development
The new SMPTE/VSF IP video networking standards are the result of a collaborative process in which the VSF developed the original specification and SMPTE provided a detailed technical review process and formal accreditation. The work was conducted under the 32NF Video over IP Ad-hoc Group, chaired by Brad Gilmer, executive director of VSF. SMPTE and VSF provided resources for developing the standards.

SMPTE ST 2022-5:2012 defines a methodology that can be used to provide forward error correction for the recovery from network transmission errors. The methods used have been specifically selected to perform well for high bit rate video signals that operate at speeds up to the Gb/s range and beyond. It is available via the SMPTE digital library at:

SMPTE ST 2022-6:2012 defines a uniform data mapping format that supports a wide variety of HD-SDI and 3G-SDI video signal formats. Using this standard, products from different manufacturers can, for the first time, send and receive high bit rate video signals that are being delivered over IP networks. Potential users include television broadcasters, production companies and video transport service providers. It is available via the SMPTE digital library at:


Bob Ruhl, Operations Manager

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