Press Release

For Immediate Release

New Orleans, LA., January 16, 2012 - The preliminary program has been announced for the VidTrans 2012 "Content in Motion" Conference and Exposition. This event will be held at the New Orleans Marriott, February 28-March 1, 2012. This year's conference will feature twenty technical papers plus a not-to-be-missed panel discussion that will explore the future of professional media transport.

Highlighted paper topics include the new national network being constructed for CBC/Radio-Canada, a presentation from Microsoft about DASH streaming, a presentation about IEEE 802 AVB Audio Video Bridging for intra-studio transport, an analysis of multi-generational encoding with H.264 and JPEG200, and a tutorial about over-the-top video for broadcast engineers. An optional pre-conference session entitled "Foundations of IP Video" will cover compression, MPEG transport streams, IP encapsulation and error correction in a fast-paced, two hour tutorial.

In addition to technical sessions, the conference also showcases some of the latest applications, technologies and products in its exhibit hall. The exhibition features an opening night reception on Tuesday, February 28. The exhibits will be open Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 28-29.

As the only significant broadcast equipment showcase currently scheduled for the southeast in 2012, VidTrans provides an ideal venue for local television professionals to see the latest technologies in person.

VidTrans12 Conference will also include a number of special networking events, providing attendees the opportunity to interact with colleagues and industry peers.

For more information about attending or exhibiting at the conference, please visit or contact Bob Ruhl, Operations Manager of the VSF.

About The Video Services Forum

Founded in 1997, the Video Services Forum is an international association composed of service providers, users and manufacturers dedicated to interoperability, quality metrics and education for video networking technologies. The organization's activities include providing forums to identify issues involving the development, engineering, installation, testing and maintenance of video networking technologies; exchanging non-proprietary information to promote the development of video networking technology and foster resolution of issues common to the video services industry; promoting interoperability by contributing to and supporting development of standards by national and international standards bodies. Visit VSF online at


Bob Ruhl, Operations Manager

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