Press Release

For Immediate Release
January 10, 2007
PR 001-07
Contact: Wes Simpson, 203-799-1622,

World�s Third Multi-Vendor Forward Error Correction Interop Demonstration for Video over IP Featured at Upcoming SMPTE/VSF Conference

Late January conference in Orlando demonstrates interoperability between Five MPEG Video over IP Vendors

SMPTE and the VSF announce a five-vendor live interoperability demonstration at the upcoming SMPTE/VSF 2007 Joint Conference. The Interop demonstration will highlight the successful interoperation of vendors supporting broadcast contribution video signals over IP networks, including the ability to survive errors and other network impairments. The Interop event will take place during the SMPTE Digital Content Connection and VSF VidTrans 2007 Joint Conference, which is being held at the Buena Vista Hotel from January 21 to January 24, 2007.

Five leading MPEG equipment manufacturers (Harris Broadcast Communications, Path1 Network Technologies, TANDBERG Television, Thomson Grass Valley, and T-VIPS) will be interconnecting their equipment to determine interoperability of units that are designed to meet the Pro-MPEG COP3/SMPTE 2022 standard. Connections will be made through a network with impairments such as bit errors and groups of contiguous lost packets that are deliberately injected into each stream to demonstration each system�s ability to recover from the errors, as specified in Pro-MPEG COP3/SMPTE 2022. An independent panel will judge results of the demonstration during the conference, and results will subsequently be published. Equipment provided by IneoQuest Technologies and Spirent Communications will create and/or measure the network impairments. IPITEK and Fox Digital Television will provide equipment and materials as needed to create the network system. Organization and System Design provided by DVBLink and Media Links.

�Modern data networks are subject to a variety of impairments, ranging from simple bit errors to groups of contiguous data packets,� says John Dale, of Media Links, who is organizing the interoperability event. �The Pro-MPEG COP3/SMPTE 2022 standard has been designed specifically to ensure that high quality video that is used by broadcasters for their most valuable live video feeds are able to be transported over these networks. Because of the complexity of these specifications, and for the benefit of customers that want to purchase equipment from multiple vendors, interoperability is essential to the long-run viability of this standard.�

The SMPTE Digital Content Connection and VSF VidTrans Conference is a unique gathering of experts in the field who will speak during the conference�s three days of technical presentations, as well as vendors, service providers, equipment manufacturers, end users and others involved with the dynamic world of film, television, and video telecommunications. This year�s content is focusing closely on the recent advances in IPTV, and its expected world-wide proliferation.

Conference Information
The conference begins with a reception on Sunday evening, January 21st, and ends Wednesday, January 24th. On Monday and Tuesday, exhibitors will be demonstrating products that incorporate the latest technologies for video transport. Digital Content Connection and VidTrans will be held at the Buena Vista Palace in Orlando, Florida.

The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE), is the leading technical society and standards-setting body for the motion imaging industry. SMPTE�s membership includes individuals and corporations from 85 countries and 28 local sections worldwide. For more information, visit

Founded in 1997, Video Services Forum, Inc. (VSF) is an international association composed of service providers, users and manufacturers dedicated to interoperability, quality metrics and education for video networking technologies. The organization's activities include: exchanging non-proprietary information to promote the development of video networking technology and foster resolution of issues common to the video services industry as well as promoting interoperability by contributing to and supporting development of standards by national and international standards bodies. In addition to VidTrans VSF holds May and October technical meetings as well as Activity Group conference calls. For more information, visit

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