VidTrans18 – Content in Motion, Annual Technical Conference and Exposition - Los Angeles, California, USA

February 27 – March 1, 2018

Photos from VidTrans18, February 2018
Photos from VidTrans18, February 2018
Photos from VidTrans18 Conference & Exhibition held in Los Angeles, CA February 27 – March 1, 2018

VidTrans18 Show Vblog

NMOS IS-06 demo during VidTrans18 Vblog

Conference Program & Presentations

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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Session 1

  1. Didn’t Clos Say this was Non-Blocking? Analysis of non-blocking properties of spine/leaf networks for unicast and multicast
    Thomas Edwards - Fox

  2. Sorting the fact from the fiction – IP and software-based live video transport
    Andrew Osmond - APERI

  3. PTP Challenges in the WAN
    Fredrik Sallstrom - Net Insight

  4. Access to Virtualized FPGA Resource
    Jean-Francois Nivart -- Image Matters

  5. Unified Approach to Timing
    Chuck Meyer – Grass Valley

  6. Architecting for scale - how to go big better
    Andrew Rayner – Nevion

Session 2

  1. Panel Discussion: ST 2110 vs. Dematerialized Facilities – what is the reality?

  2. Introducing VidMeet, a new conference series in Japan
    Bunji Yamamoto- Internet Initiative Japan Inc.

  3. The new ISO JPEG-XS international standard for Professional Media over IP - Standard progress
    Antonin Descampe – IntoPIX

  4. Building next generation "SMPTE ST 2110" IP OB Trucks–Timeline TV & NEP UK case study
    Phil Myers - Grass Valley

  5. HDR: Everyone got a trophy – now what?
    Matthew Goldman - Ericsson

  6. Demystifying the SRT open source video streaming protocol
    Ghislain Collette - Haivision

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Session 3

  1. Managing IP Network using AMWA NMOS IS-06
    Subha Dhesikan - Cisco

  2. Delay Aspects of IP Audio Transport
    Magnus Danielson – Net Insight

  3. Development of High Throughput JPEG2000 (HT-J2K)
    Jiri Matela - Comprimato

  4. Case Study: Fox Sports World Cup Workflow
    Keith Goldberg, Kevin Callahan & Doug McGee – Fox Sports

  5. Metadata in SMPTE ST2110
    Paul Briscoe – Televisionary Consulting/Evertz

Session 4

  1. Panel Discussion: How the industry is changing focus to the Internet.

  2. How SL-HDR1 metadata will make affordable (or cost efficient) HDR broadcasting a reality sooner than later
    Ciro Noronha, Ph.D. – Cobalt Digital

  3. Out of Band HDR Metadata
    Roger Franklin - Crystal

  4. Reliable Internet Stream Transport "RIST" Activity Group Update
    Rick Ackermans - MVA Broadcast Consulting

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Session 5

  1. Stream Management, Endpoint Discovery, and Centralized Configuration
    Mike Flathers – Aspera, an IBM company

  2. Audio Metadata over IP - Standardization Activity - Update
    Kent Terry - Dolby Laboratories

  3. A Network discussion on producing and directing a live-to-air uncompressed HD event from 920 kms away
    Simon Talbot - Telstra

  4. IP Showcase at NAB Show 2018 Update
    Stan Moote, CTO IABM

  5. Breaking the throughput barrier of broadcasting software solutions
    Richard Hastie – Mellanox

  6. J2K-ULL Activity Group Update
    John Dale – Media Links

  7. Interoperability Session Update
    Jack Douglass – PacketStorm

  8. Studio Video over IP (SVIP) Activity Group Update
    Mike Bany – Fox, Wes Simpson – Telecom Product Consulting, Al Kovalick- Fox Media Systems

  • Register for VidTrans2025
  • Link to Visit the VSF Channel on YouTube - over 180 videos, with more each week!
  • Link to IP Showcase website
  • Link to IP Showcase Theatre presentations, curated by VSF
  • Link to JT-NM
  • Link to GDPR Policy