2016 VSF May Meeting Series - City of Rennes, France
May 11 & 12, 2016
Hosted by Institute of Research and Technology (IRT) b-com
- Meeting Agenda (pdf, 62k)
Login is required to access the following meeting documents:
- Meeting Attendee List (pdf, 46k)
- MPEG-DASH part 5 : Enhancing QoE with
DASH (pdf, 602k)
Mary-Luc Champel, Technicolor - When a Non-Blocking Fabric is Not Truly
Non-Blocking for All Use-Cases – The
Implications of Multicast Replication (pdf, 823k)
Richard Hastie, Mellanox - Software Defined Networks and the Road
Towards Virtualized Media Production (pdf, 2.2Mb)
Jan Helgesen, Nevion - Optimising Packet Handling for Softwarebased
RTP Senders and Receivers (pdf, 1.06Mb)
Stuart Grace, BBC R&D - PTP in the Real World: Working Around
COTS Switches (pdf, 318k)
Wes Simpson, Telecom - HDR Presentation (pdf, 1.15Mb)
Cambodge Bist & Ludovic Noblet, b-com - LiveIP Project Update (pdf, 5.83Mb)
Willem Vermost & Felix Poulin (EBU) - JT-NM (pdf, 817k)
Brad Gilmer & Felix Poulin, EBU - EBU Roadmap (pdf, 676k)
Felix Poulin, EBU - Studio Video over IP Activity Group Update (pdf, 116k)
Mike Bany, DVBLink - Towards a Standard SDN API for
Professional Media Networks (pdf, 576k)
Thomas Edwards, Fox - Perspective for a VSF/TR0x-Based New
DICOM Standard for Real Time Surgical
Video (pdf, 1.21Mb)
Emmanuel Cordonnier, b-com - J2K-ULL Activity Group Update (pdf, 177k)
John Dale, Media Links - End-to-End Timing and Synchronization in
IP-based Production Environments (pdf, 2.03Mb)
Andrew Bonney, BBC R&D - UHD Coverage of Live Events - Lessons
Learned (pdf, 40.21Mb)
Pierre Routhier, CREAT3 - Interop Activity Update (pdf, 1.02Mb)
Jack Douglass, PacketStorm