VidTrans14 Content in Motion, Annual Technical Conference and Exposition - Arlington, Virginia, USA

February 26 - February 28, 2014

Photos from VidTrans14, February 2014
Photos from VidTrans14 Conference & Exhibition held in Arlington, VA on February 26 - February 28, 2014
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Conference Program & Presentations

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

8:30AM Session One

  1. How Washington is Wired (pdf, 1.37Mb)
    Keynote Speaker: Peter Doherty - ABC News/ Senior Operations Producer, ABC News Washington Bureau

  2. Why Does Next-Gen Content Acquisition and Exchange Need Range Extensions in HEVC? (pdf, 1.22Mb)
    Matthew Goldman - Ericsson

  3. Futuristic View of a Live IPTV Production Center (pdf, 466k)
    Steven Silva- Fox

  4. An IT Based Open Media Networking Architecture for the Future (pdf, 224k)
    Brian Keane - Aperi

  5. CPTV v6 - The Future of Public Television (pdf, 606k)
    Thomas Crowe - PBS

  6. TV Networks Dealing with Live Event Backhauls in a Multi-Platform World (pdf, 1.66Mb)
    Rick Ackermans - Turner Broadcasting

1:15PM Session Two

  1. Implementing Device Redundancy with SMPTE 2022-7 Seamless Protection Switching (pdf, 272k)
    Inge Hillestad - Nevion

  2. Workshop "Future of Television" (pdf, 478k)
    Opening Remarks: Brad Gilmer - VSF

    A. Virtual, Global, Software-Only Media Facilities: Introducing the Internetworking Media Platform (IMP) (pdf, 590k)
    Richard Cartwright (Dr. James Cain) - Quantel

    B. What can IP do for Broadcasters and Audiences? (pdf, 887k)
    Alex Rawcliffe - BBC

    C. Panel Discussion:
    Each panelist will present their thoughts on the future of television and Internetworking Media Platforms.

    Participants: Richard Cartwright - Quantel; Brad Gilmer - VSF; Alex Rawcliffe - BBC

Thursday, February 27, 2014

8:30AM Session Three

  1. SDN - An Urban Legend for Media-Centric Networks? (pdf, 268k)
    Shahin Arefzadeh - Dimetis

  2. Meeting IP QoS Objectives for Broadcast Services (pdf, 674k)
    Dr. Bengt Olsson - Net Insight AB

  3. Sending Ads / Offline Content to Affiliate Stations Using Primary Distribution Feeds Based on Hitless Compression Standard with no Cost or BW Increase (pdf, 1.65Mb)
    Gustavo Marra - ATEME

  4. Replacing the BNC with RJ45 in the Broadcast Studio (pdf, 1.14k)
    Helge Stephansen - Nevion

  5. Packet Video Networking: The Flexible Future (pdf, 501k)
    Chuck Meyer & Ken Buttle - Miranda

1:15PM Session Four

  1. Super Bowl Transmission Planning & Logistics (pdf, 2.09Mb)
    Keith Goldberg - Fox

  2. Can Ethernet SRP Scale Up for Video Networks? (pdf, 172k)
    Wes Simpson - Telecom Product Consulting

  3. Panel Discussion: "Joint Task-Force Networked Media"
    Opening Remarks: Richard Friedel - Fox & Brad Gilmer - VSF

    A. Panel Discussion: "Joint Task-Force Networked Media" continued
    Each panelist will present their thoughts on the future of professional media related to the Gap Analysis report/results and a discussion of future work. In addition we will invite JT-NM respondents in the room to comment on the JT and/or technology in general, but no specific product discussion.

    Participants: Thomas Edwards - Fox; Brad Gilmer - VSF; Felix Poulin - EBU; Karl D. Schubert - TechNova Consulting

Friday, February 28, 2014

8:30AM Session Five

  1. The Evolved Broadcast Environment, Looking back from the Year 2020 (pdf, 727k)
    Karl D. Schubert, Ph.D. - TechNova Consulting

  2. SDN Techniques to Reliably Switch Packetized Video (pdf, 1.37Mb)
    Thomas Edwards - Fox

  3. Mapping SDI with a Light-Weight Compression for High Frame Rates and Ultra-HD 4K transport over SMPTE2022 5/6 (pdf, 196k)
    Lotfi El Hafi - IntoPIX

  4. Building a private MPLS network for Video and Data (pdf, 622k)
    Mike Bany - DVBLink

  5. Status Report on JPEG2000 Interop (pdf, 352k)
    John Dale - Media Links & Inge Hillestad - Nevion

  6. Update on DASH Interoperability Testing (pdf, 256k)
    Jack Douglass - PacketStorm

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  • Link to Visit the VSF Channel on YouTube - over 180 videos, with more each week!
  • Link to IP Showcase website
  • Link to IP Showcase Theatre presentations, curated by VSF
  • Link to JT-NM
  • Link to GDPR Policy