VidTrans12 Annual Conference & Exhibition - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
"Content in Motion"

February 28 - March 1, 2012

Photos from VidTrans12, February 2012
Photos from VidTrans12 Conference & Exhibition held in New Orleans, LA on February 28 - March 1, 2012

Conference Program & Presentations

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Tuesday February 28, 2012

  1. Designing reliable and effective adaptive bitrate profiles for multi-screen live streaming (pdf, 1.24Mb)
    Clement Duval - ATEME

  2. 4K TV -- Coming soon to your living room! (pdf, 585k)
    Matthew Goldman - Ericsson

  3. IP network Architecture to Simulate Broadcast Routing Applications (pdf, 190k)
    Carl Ostrom - System Resource

  4. Video Status report on what progress has been made on JPEG2000 standardization (pdf, 360k)
    John Dale - MediaLinks

  5. When Simpler Is More Complicated: Carrier Transport Network Design and Its Impact On Video Service Providers (pdf, 466k)
    James Walker - Tata Communications

  6. Successful Interoperability Field Trial for leading Telco Operator (pdf, 2.76Mb)
    Dr. Shahin Arefzadeh - Dimetis

  7. Multigeneration compression for mpeg4 and jpeg2000 and compare the end result for emission compression in low bit rate mpeg4 (pdf, 2.5Mb)
    Helge Stephansen - T-Vips

  8. "Because We Can": how technology drives innovation in the television food chain. (pdf, 1.16Mb)
    John Mailhot - Harris

Wednesday February 29, 2012

  1. CBC/Radio-Canada's Next Generation Converged Network Project (pdf, 15.67Mb)
    Lorraine St-Germain - CBC-Canada

  2. Encoding / Decoding interoperability: Is it still a problem for MPEG-4? (pdf, 2.4Mb)
    Gustavo Marra - ATEME

  3. An Effective Full Reference Method for A Single Ended Test Application (pdf, 2.26Mb)
    Blake Homan - Video Clarity

  4. MPEG-DASH: A New Standard for Streaming Video Over Internet (pdf, 551k)
    Iraj Sodagar - Microsoft

  5. Understanding IEEE802 Audio/Video Bridging: Is this the Future of Video Over Ethernet? (pdf, 261k)
    Wes Simpson - Telcom Product Consulting

  6. Panel Discussion: Title "Charting the Future of Professional Media"
    Each of the panelists will present their thoughts on the future of professional media. The panel will then explore the topic further, including looking at core infrastructure, the merging of professional and consumer media, the issue of distributed facilities and security.

    Chair Person: Carl Ostrom - System Resource, Inc

    Participants: Pierre Costa - AT&T, John C. Lee - CBC/Radio-Canada (pdf, 393k), David Chilson - CBS-TV (pdf, 287k), John Mailhot - Harris, Rick Ackermans - Turner Broadcasting (pdf, 333k), Brad Gilmer - Gilmer and Associates, Inc. (pdf, 538k)

Thursday March 1, 2012

  1. Extreme Event Management: South African WorldCup Case Study (pdf, 17.04Mb)
    MJ Drouin - Aldea

  2. ISO Live (MPEG-DASH): an approach to primary distribution transmission (pdf, 2.9Mb)
    Bart Schade - IPVidNet

  3. Video Content Activity Group Update (pdf, 85k)
    Wes Simpson - Telcom Product Consulting

  4. Hitless Protection Switching Activity Group Update (pdf, 61k)
    Mike Bany - DVBLink

  5. Interop Discussion (pdf, 5.22Mb)
    Jack Douglass - Packet Storm

  6. Delivery of 3DTV to the Home (pdf, 1.86Mb)
    Walt Husak - Dolby

  7. Media Networks - Overview of new techniques for real-time service protection and control (pdf, 1.98Mb)
    Chin Koh - Nevion

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