VSF Privacy Policy
The Video Services Forum Inc. (VSF) is a nonprofit membership organization for service providers, users and manufacturers dedicated to interoperability, quality metrics and education for media networking technologies. The VSF respects the privacy of its members and other visitors to its website (Users). Consequently, the VSF has implemented the following policy to protect online privacy.
Personal information collected by the VSF
It is the VSF’s policy to collect and store personal information that Users knowingly provide. The VSF collects thisinformation in a number of ways.
1. Membership
When you become a VSF member, we collect information including (but not limited to) your name, your employer’s name, yourpreferred mailing address (including country location), and your email address. We may ask members to voluntarily provideadditional profile information. This personal information is stored in a database record on VSF servers located in the UnitedStates. Members may, at any time, request the VSF to change, add, or remove personal information by sending an email withthis request to opsmgr@videoservicesforum.org.
2. Non-member accounts
In order to access certain VSF activities, individuals must have a database record with the VSF. An example of such a VSFactivity includes (but is not limited to) registering for one of the VSF’s events (in- person or online). Some individuals ororganizations may choose to join the VSF as a Member to get access to all events and presentations while others may preferto register for a single event as a non- member. When a non-member registers for an event, we will collect their name andcontact information. We will store this information in our database so that we can use it to provide information, meetingdocumentation, and services associated with VSF events. You may at any time request the VSF to change, add, orremove personal information by sending an email with this request to opsmgr@videoservicesforum.org.
3. Website visitors
Visitors to our website may access a significant amount of information without having to create a member or non-memberrecord. Aggregate data that may be derived by VSF website analytics tools (such as number of hits per page) may be used forinternal and marketing purposes and does not provide any personally identifying information. Please see the section in thispolicy on use of the VSF website for additional information.
4. Correspondence with the VSF
If you correspond with us by email, the postal service, or some other form of communication, we may retain suchcorrespondence and the information contained in it, and use this information to respond to your inquiry or use it in order to keepa record of the correspondence.
5. Payment card information
If you purchase goods or services from the VSF website using a payment card, your personal information is entereddirectly by you into the online PCI-compliant payment processing service. The VSF does not itself process or store the cardinformation. Occasionally, individuals ask VSF staff to, on their behalf; enter payment card information into the PCI-compliantpayment processing service in order to complete a payment. We strongly encourage you not to submit this information by email.When VSF staff receives payment card information it is entered as described above, and then the information is permanentlydeleted.
6. Survey Data
The VSF may conduct surveys to produce original research, obtain information about member needs, or to receivefeedback on services. Responses are confidential; survey results are presented in the aggregate only. Occasionally, personaldata may be collected during surveys to fulfill other goals.
7. Information we receive from third parties
From time to time, the VSF may receive personal information from third parties. This may happen if your organization signs upfor membership and designates you as the organization’s representative, registers you for an event, or makes a purchaseon your behalf. All database entries created through this type of activity belong to the individual and the individual may at anytime request the VSF to change, add, or remove this personal information by sending an email with this request toopsmgr@videoservicesforum.org.
Some personal information is necessary for the VSF to provide you with the products or services you have purchased orrequested, and to authenticate you so that we know it is you and not someone else. If you have a record with the VSF, you maymanage your personal information and update your email preferences at any time by sending an email with this request toopsmgr@videoservicesforum.org.
We do not knowingly attempt to obtain or collect information from children
Processing of personal information collected by the VSF
The VSF processes personal data to provide you with the products or services you have requested or purchased from us,including, but not limited to, training courses or seminars, meeting attendance and presentations, and other resources. We mayuse this data to refine our offerings to better tailor them to your needs and to communicate with you about other services the VSFmay offer that could assist you. The VSF currently does not use data processors to track personal information. However, if in thefuture, the VSF does contract with such data processors, the VSF aims to only use data processors that are, and intend toremain, compliant with the most up-to-date regulations for data privacy and security. At that point we will update the privacystatement accordingly.
Use of the vsf.tv websites
As is true of most other websites, VSF websites collect information about visitors. This information may include internet protocol(IP) addresses, the region or general location where the computer or device is accessing the internet, browser type, and other website usage information. The VSF’s websites may use a webanalytics service to collect website traffic and visitor information.
VSF websites include links to third-party websites where you may find relevant information. If you click on these links, you willbe leaving a VSF website. The VSF is not responsible or liable for content provided by these third-party websites or personalinformation they may happen to gather from you.
Cookies and Web Beacons
Cookies are pieces of data that a website transfers to a User’s hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Web beacons aretransparent pixel images that are used in collecting information about website usage, e-mail response, and tracking.The VSF website does not use these technologies.
All major browsers allow you to block or delete cookies from your system. To learn more about your ability to manage cookiesand web beacons, please consult the privacy features in your browser.
When and how we share information with others
We do not reveal your personal data to third parties for their independent use unless you request that we do so, or unless releasing your personal information is required to comply with an order from a governmental entity that is authorized tomake such a lawful request. Although it doesn’t do so at present, the VSF may, in the future, provide personal data to thirdparties to enhance your experience with the VSF. If you do not wish to have this information shared, you may opt out at anytime by contacting the VSF at opsmgr@videoservicesforum.org to express your preferences.
Data storage and retention
The VSF retains personal data to fulfill necessary processing for legitimate business purposes and for the duration ofthe User’s business relationship with the VSF. For more information on where and how long your personal data is stored,please contact opsmgr@videoservicesforum.org.
Acceptance of Privacy Policy
By using this website, you agree to the terms and conditions contained in this Privacy Policy and any other agreement that wemight have with you. If you do not agree to any of these terms and conditions, you should not use this website or any VSFprograms, services or member benefits.
Notification of changes
To meet the ongoing responsibility for maintaining privacy, the VSF may from time to time update this Privacy Policy. If our privacypolicies change, the VSF will notify all Users by email or a special announcement placed on the website.
Questions, concerns, or complaints
This Privacy Policy is intended to provide you with information about what personal data the VSF collects about you and how itis used. If you have any questions, or if you have concerns about how the VSF handles your personal information, pleasecontact us at opsmgr@videoservicesforum.org.
December 12, 2018