Interoperability and Education
for Video Networking Technologies



The Video Services Forum (VSF) is an international association that brings service providers, manufacturers, and users together to promote interoperability, establish quality metrics, and provide education focused on video networking technologies. 



The GCCG team focuses on the transport and timing concerns of distributed workflows, including those with a hosted/cloud component.  By identifying existing standards practices, and fostering creation of new recommendations where necessary, the GCCG team’s goal is to enable a marketplace of interoperable products that work together on the ground and in the cloud.

Internet Protocol Media Experience

IPMX is a proposed open standard for interoperable AV over IP. The IPMX group is in the process of writing and testing technical recommendations for IPMX. 

Reliable Internet Stream Transport

RIST addresses lack of compatibility between devices that provide reliable low-latency transport of high-quality video over public IP networks. As an open specification,  RIST documents are freely available for developers of compliant solutions. 

Review of CODEC options for AV over IP protocols in Pro AV applications

Establishing operating points for the documented application of the IPMX system, with criteria to be measured for candidate codecs against each application, and creating a vendor self-testing program.


Become a VSF member, and join fellow industry experts in ensuring interoperability in video networking. Play a vital role in educating the industry about technical approaches that solve common issues. Help shape the standards and recommendations that support the advance of our industry.